As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Factory tour

Tuesday morning Garry and Maxim were talking with men from a company that makes freestalls in Zaporosia, and they invited them to come for a tour. That same afternoon I tagged along and we went for a tour of the factory where they make the freestalls.

We found the building following the directions Max had gotten from the guys. We went past the Novi Leni (building supply store) that burned dow a year and a half ago, it looks like the bones of a new store is up on the site, maybe it will be rebuilt this summer. This factory once has 3000 employees making radios, there are maybe 300 working there now.

We waited in the lobby for a while, Max phoned the guy in his office upstairs a few times and someone came down to log us into the building, past the revolving gate, and guard. We took the elevator to the fourth floor with him, and he ushered us into the boss's office.

Garry and Max sat at the extension to his desk and he got them tea (I sat in a padded chair and sort of got ignored) and showed them photos from barns they had built equipment for.

Then I followed them as he took them downstairs to see the manufactoring facilities, we took the stairs, since the elevator was not coming right away, down to the second floor, and followed him through a long series of hallways to where they make the freestalls.

He showed us a foot trimming stall they make (crank- no hydraulics) and a big stack of freestalls, along with the machine they use to bend the steel to make them.

Then we stepped outside- the back of the building must be higher than the front- to see the demo headlocks and stalls. A few snowflakes were drifting down, it would be another thing we could buy from them to equipt the new barn. The prices for the free stalls seem reasonable.

We went back inside, to a room off the big room where he showed us a waterer they sell, and then we headed back out the long hallway, down one more flight of stairs to the front of the building, where he showed us back out the revolving gate.

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